
English Children's Literature(Week Eight)

Week 8: Mother Goose

1.  Mother Goose
The figure of Mother Goose is an imaginary author of a collection of fairy tales and nursery rhymes often published as Mother Goose Rhymes. As a character, she appears in one nursery rhyme. A Christmas pantomime called Mother Goose is often performed in the United Kingdom. The so-called "Mother Goose" rhymes and stories have formed the basis for many classic British pantomimes. Mother Goose is generally depicted in literature and book illustration as an elderly country woman in a tall hat and shawl, a costume identical to the peasant costume worn in Wales in the early 20th century, but is sometimes depicted as a goose (usually wearing a bonnet).
*There are some famous short stories in the book such as "Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Queen of Hearts".
* "Little Red Riding Hood"--Hood 帽子; Hook Ceremony 正冠儀式 (When students faced the graduation, they would have a Hood Ceremony. )
Blanche Fisher Wright's cover artwork for The Real Mother Goose

Mother Goose

Charles Perrault was a French author and member of the Académie française. He laid the foundations for a new literary genre, the fairy tale, with his works derived from pre-existing folk tales. The best known of his tales include Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots,The Sleeping Beauty and Bluebeard.Some of Perrault's versions of old stories may have influenced the German versions published by the Brothers Grimm 200 years later. The stories continue to be printed and have been adapted to opera, ballet (such as Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty), theatre, and film. Perrault was an influential figure in the 17th-century French literary scene, and was the leader of the Modern faction during the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns.

                            Charles Perrault      Little Red Riding Hood

3. Nursery Rhyme  
A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for young children in Britain and many other countries, but usage only dates from the late 18th/early 19th century and in North America the term Mother Goose Rhymes, introduced in the mid-18th century, is still often used.
(1) Georgy Porgy
     a. Georgy Porgy  may refer to:
        "Georgie Porgie", the traditional nursery rhyme 常指欺負女生的男生
        "Georgy Porgy" (song) by Toto featuring Cheryl Lynn
         Georgie Porgie (producer), George Andros, a music producer and recording artist
         Georgy Porgy (short story), a short story by Roald Dahl, collected in Kiss Kiss
     b. Jazz-- I love you Porgy performed by Nina Simone

(2) Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty is a character in an English nursery rhyme, probably originally a riddle and one of the best known in the English-speaking world.The rhyme is one of the best known and most popular in the English language. The most common modern text is:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

*All the King's Men (2006 film) is a 2006 film adaptation of the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren. It was directed by Steven Zaillian, who also produced and scripted.The story is about the life of Willie Stark (played by Sean Penn), a fictional character resembling Louisiana governor Huey Long, in office 1928 through 1932. He was elected as a US Senator and assassinated in 1935. 
All the King's Men (2006 film)
     a. "Hey Diddle Diddle"
  b."Hickory Dickory Dock" 時鐘聲

4. Richard Scarry
(1)Richard Scarry's Busytown is a Sega Genesis and DOS video game that was released for a younger generation of gamers.

(2)Nursery rhymes in the film 
     a. Star Light, Star Bright
     b. London Bridge is Falling Down: Take the key and lock him up.
     c. Mary Has a Little Lamb
     d. Old Mother Hubbard
     e. Little Bo Peep: Little Bo Peep has lost her ship.
     f. Hey Diddle Diddle
     g. Old King Cole
     h. Little Miss Muffet     

     i. Hickory Dickory Dock 
     j. Humpty Dumpty
     k. Little Boy Blue
     l. Wee Willie Winkie
     m. There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe
     n. Three Little Kittens
     o. Sing a Song of Sixpence
     p.Sleep Baby Sleep

     a. conflict
     -- Have you see Lowly?
     -- What's he look like?
     ( 矛盾點就在於如何去形容人物和物體--sorting,describing.naming)
     b. climax:King 幫Huckle解決這個問題
         * He is a worm.
         * He is long/thin.
         * green hat...
     c. themes: friendship, lost/found, dream/adventures, magic/spell, show tell, science/match...

5.  Vocabulary and  Phrases
(1) tuffet       n. 矮凳
(2) hood       n. 帽子
     hook ceremony    正冠儀式
(3) wage        v. 發動
(4) off the bed           上床睡覺
(5) Jack and Jill        形容青梅竹馬
(6) be engage in        與...訂婚
(7) Lost/Found         失物招領
      Hide/ Seek          捉迷藏
(8) groundkeeper     n. 園丁
(9) call on someone  拜訪某人
(10) a dose of            一 匙
(11) sob         v. 哭聲
(12) stretch out        伸直四肢
(13) a welcome relief
(14) worm     n. 蟲子
        wormy apples   蛀蟲的蘋果
(15) sneer      v. 嘲笑

